Technology and the Brave New World
By Scott

Click and Create with Mia
Click and Create with Mia. By Kutoka Interactive
Children can experience an “arts and crafts joyride”
on the computer with Click and Create with Mia from Kutoka Interactive.
Lead by Mia, a sassy, headstrong mousette, the cast of creatures
enact adventures that encourage children to use their imagination
and enhance math skills, inductive reasoning, logic, mental computation
and literary skills (whooo!). Five complete creativity sections
and four different age appropriate difficulty levels follow educational
curriculums, using a state of the art navigation engine that grants
children complete control over Mia. This item is a major award winner
with 3 Bessies (Best Educational Software), a Parents Choice Award
and a Seal of Approval from the National Parenting Center.
Attention Trainer. By Attention Builders

Attention Trainer
The realm of high tech really kicks in with The Attention Trainer
from the Attention Builders (www.attention.com). An interactive tool
for the computer that helps children learn to control their levels
of concentration, this product is the result of research and development
used by NASA to train pilots to stay attentive in the cockpit and
Olympic athletes to improve focus. Using a gaming headset that looks
like a high tech bike helmet, the program monitors the attention level
of the child by transmitting information through wireless technology
to special software within the games. Immediate feedback increases
the speed and reactivity of the games with the attention level, helping
the child to focus and enjoy concentration. Many system requirements
are included on the installation disc, but this item requires a number
of computer prerequisites. Classmaster
Notebook. By Vtech Smart Sensations

And finally, for the Tweens (ages 9-12) we have the Classmaster
Notebook, one of VTech’s series of Portable Learning Companions,
sleekly designed computer based learning tools in notebook or hand-held
formats. The Classmaster Notebook provides a portable platform for
researching information, connecting to the Internet and creating,
writing and editing on the go. VTech offers tools such as calculators,
unit converters and class schedulers as well as creation programs
like Artwork Studio, Music Creation and Creation Station (an animation
program). VTech has also partnered with Merriam-Webster Dictionary
and Encyclopedia Britannica to provide quick access to quality information
in editions tailored to youngsters. Through a Netlink feature and
the vPort accessory, students can connect to a PC using the Internet
to download activities and research school assignments, uploading
to the PC to save, print and e-mail. Classmaster also offers games
such as Hangman, Soccer Shootout and Checkers featuring infrared
technology. Friends may interact and play games between devices
by “beaming” moves or plays to other Classroom Notebooks.
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