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Dig it up!-NY - An ultimate product making all dinosaur fans' dreams come true Dig it up! Calling all dinosaur enthusiasts
Haven't you always been curious to see how paleontologists discover dinosaur fossils during an excavation? Now, you can simulate the excavation experience with dig it up!-NY dinosaur fossil excavation & assembly kits. You'll never find an educational product this realistic or fun until now!!! Spring International, Inc. introduced dig it up!-NY to the US market just a few months ago. It will be shown at the Bryant Park Holiday Market near Time Square in New York during November 23 to December 24, 2002. Our booth is located next to the American Museum of Natural History booth at the Holiday Market. Dig it up!-NY will also be shown at the Dallas International Gift & Home Accessories Market in January and the American International Toy Fair in February as well. spring International (888) 238-8303 11/14/02 |  | | Geography in 3-D with Cram Globes 12” World Globe Brilliant blue oceans and raised relief land make this globe ideal for classroom, home or office. The globe is attached to a metal semi-meridian, mounted to a metal base, and comes with a 32’ X 21” world map. George F. Cram Company has been producing maps since 1867, and globes since 1929. George F. Cram Company 800-227-4199 11/14/02 |  | | Magnetic Construction is Attractive Geomag The award-winning Geomag system consists of precision molded plastic-coated bars with a south-polarized magnet at one end and a north polarized magnet at the other. The bars are simply connected together using nickel-plated steel spheres. Lots of fun and educational uses! PlastWood Corp. 800-647-9989 8/8/02 |  | |
Now More Than Ever We Must Protect Our Children! "What's The Safest Thing To Do?" This CD ROM, chosen "Best Pick for 2001" from Choosing Children''s Software Magazine, teaches children how to safely react to challenging situations that they may encounter. For ages 4-8, children will follow Betsy The Butterfly and the SafetyTots throughout thirty-five scenarios and will ultimately learn, in a fun non-threatening way, "what's the safest thing to do?" Safetytots International Ltd. Toll Free: 1-866-4SafeTot 8/7/02 |  | |
Chemistry is the New Cool with the Elemen of Periodica Elemen of Periodica Based on the principles of the periodic table, the Elemen of Periodica turns the normally difficult world of chemistry into a world of fun. Using cool characters and songs, the Elemen of Periodica allows your child to learn about the periodic table early, so they will be familiar with elements and concepts from a young age. Elemen of Periodica, LLC (925) 901-4862 6/1/02
|  | |
An Exciting New Adaptation Of Eight Classic Tales From Aesop CD Aesop's Fables As performed by the award winning children's theater company, imagination station, this CD includes such favorites as The Lion and the Mouse, The Fox and the Grapes, and who could forget The Tortoise and the Hare. This is a magical CD that children love to listen to over and over! Parents love it, too! With hilarious characters, clever original music and sound effects, you'll find yourself transported to this friendly forest where all of Aesop's animals live and learn together Imagilot Entertainment 310-486-8003 11/19/02 |  | |
Miniature Speed Glider! Xstream glider Introducing the Xstream glider, the next generation in aviation history. The Xstream glider’s unique internal wing design generates thrust, lift and long distance flights. We refer to this thrust generating phenomenon as Dynamic Natural Propulsion. IWA Toy Company is now producing 9-inch, 15-inch and coming soon 5-inch gliders. The Xstream glider comes ready to fly. It is made of an xstreamly durable and soft foam (Softek). Stay tuned to IWA Toy Company for the latest in cutting edge toys based on the internal wing technology. IWA Toy Company 405-376-3020 11/19/02 |  | |
Five In One Fun Deluxe Mini Play Cube A multi-sensory adventure! Five fun toys combined into one. Parents'' Choice Gold Award Winner. Great for counting, cooperative play, eye-hand coordination and color recognition. For homes,schools and waiting rooms. Anatex (800) 999-9599 11/4/02 | | |
Tote Along Tales From The Blue Kangaroo Bag of Stories™ Interactive storytelling game for the whole family. Includes a cloth “gameboard,” deck of colorful, laminated character cards and a carrying pouch. Draw cards from the deck and make up stories incorporating the characters/objects on the cards. Stimulates children’s imagination and creativity. Also teaches them to think logically and in sequence. Best of all, its great fun! For ages 4 and up. TheBlueKangaroo™ (214) 952-5652 11/4/02 | | |
Tub Time Softcover Book I'm a Little Musical Teapot Rub a Dub Book This little vinyl book is shaped like a teapot and plays the melody to the song "I'm a Little Teapot". Great for bathtub tea parties, it's also lightweight and easy to take along to distract a cranky infant or toddler. Suggested retail price $6.49. The Straight Edge Inc 800-732-3628 10/7/02 | | |
Dolls Fluent in Two Languages Language Littles Bilingual dolls that introduce a foreign language to children ages 3+. Each 16 inch plush doll speaks an average of 25 words and phrases in English followed by a second language. The doll's hands and knee can be pressed to hear numbers, greetings, colors, etc. Currently available in Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew. Each doll comes with its own translation booklet and secret computer code. Language Littles 212-535-8122 10/7/02 | | |
Letters andNumbers Ahead... All Aboard! The Teaching Train Learning can be fun with this unique toy. Put the tots on the right track with the teaching train! Kelly's Gift Boutique 478-956-3065 9/18/02 | | |
Favorite FairyTales on Disc and Tape Classic Children's Tales This new series of 10 compact discs/cassettes provides children with a delightful excursion into the wonderful world of fairy-tales. Each unit in the collection includes expert narration, dramatic dialogue, music and exciting sound effects. EDCON Publishing Group 1-888-553-3266 9/18/02 | | |
Books TeachesNature With Dolls The Mushroom People's Summer™ Summer Adventures in a Mushroom People BookThree short stories and 15 full color illustrations show the benefits of living in harmony with nature.The characters are a family of eight Mushroom People, who are available as dolls. Fine Arts Authorship & Publishing Inc 519-740-1151 9/18/02 | | |
History and Craft Collide Chain Mail Armored Knight: History and Hands-On Forging Techniques Written for children by a team of experts, the book is easy to read and rich in historical content. Anecdotes and lively drawings are used to captivate the youngreader's imagination. Sturdy, transparent pouch attached to binding contains plastic base material for creating chain-mail bracelet. ADLM inc. ADLM inc. 514-849-7418 9/9/02 | | |
Creativity's Woven Into This Contest Fabrication - The game that's FULL OF IT! A new game which challenges you to become a storyteller. Teams compete to tell a story which includes the Fabrication line,(i.e., "It missed my head by this much"), within 60 seconds. 500 lines and 100 Story Starter Help cards to help kick-start your imagination. Chuckle Games Company - Laughter in a box! 800-982-1131 9/9/02 | | |
Arcobaleno© (Italian for "rainbow") Has a Spectrum of Possilities Arcobaleno© ("rainbow" in Italian) An open-ended construction toy and puzzle. Children nest the asymmetrical arches into a round tray and create towers. spiral houses, cones, and tunnels as they play with structure and construct imaginative forms and stories. Learning Materials Workshop 800-693-7164 9/9/02 | | |
Winter Safety in a Mushroom People Book The Mushroom People's Winter. Three short stories and 15 full color illustrations spell out safety tips in this artful, entertaining book. The characters are a family of eight Mushroom People, who are also available as dolls. Fine Arts Authorship & Publishing (519) 740-1151 6/11/02 |  | |
New Educational Toy Evokes Memories of Old-Fashioned Fun MarbleTrain® MarbleTrain® is a new wooden toy that helps develop motor, sensory, andthinking skills in children. Kids push glass marbles through gates, turns,swirls, and multiple levels. Kidstation® 6/1/02 | | |
Herbie Hydrant Leads the Way to Safety Herbie Hydrant Herbie Hydrant is a product designed for fire safety. In the event of a fire, a child can grab Herbie from its battery charging base, and use it as a flashlight to find safety. Additionally, the product will emit an alarm and flash a strobe to lead firefighters to the child. Herbie Hydrant 6/1/02 | | |
Kids Are in the Kitchen Kids Cooking Kits® Kids Cooking Kits® allow kids to have fun while cooking actual meals. The kits come in an easy “Make, Bake, Decorate®” formula, and are in 16 different varieties. The company also offers a monthly membership. Kids Cooking Club® 6/1/02 | | |
Mixing up the Magic Make Your Own Magic and Mischief This kit from Walter Foster Publishing allows children to create their own breed of magic. A How-to book is included, detailing some of the silliness and gags the package offers. The fun does not have to stop there however, as the multiple components allow for creativity and originality. Walter Foster Publishing 6/1/02 | | |
Keep Your Secrets Code Busters Packed with everything your child needs to create and break codes, this new kit from Walter Foster Publishing has it all. Including Decoding Wheels, grid paper, colored beads, gel pen, a fact book and much more, the kit lets your child learn the history of coding as they play. Walter Foster Publishing 6/1/02 | | |
Baby Songs get Critical, and Parental, Acclaim Baby Songs Videos Baby Songs, a video collection from Anchor Entertainment, has received much attention and sold over 2 million copies. The videos feature playful animation and sing-along songs, as well as live-action scenes. The videos teach as they entertain, and can offer parents a brief respite from their hectic lives. Anchor Entertainment 6/1/02 | | |
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