Off Your TVs and Get Outside
by Tim Sullivan
I was walking along the beach in San Diego with some friends
not so long ago when a man asking for spare change approached us.
The man prefaced this request with the attention grabbing “Hey, Fatboy!”
While none of us can decide to whom he was referring, and no one is
jumping to claim the nickname for themselves, we are all a bit more
sports minded these days.
And why shouldn’t we be? The NBA just ended to great ratings (despite
the loss of my poor Nets - NJ native, of course,) the US Team went
to the quarterfinals in the World Cup for the first time in 50 years,
Football is fast approaching. Sports are hot in the US, and they could
be in your stores too.
With some crazy innovations in classic products, and some great and
innovative new ones, manufacturers are trying to lose the stigma of
being a seasonal item. Most of these products can be played with in
any weather…so check out what’s new, pick them up, turn off your TVs,
and get outside, Fatboy.
I would like to thank the manufacturers featured on
these pages, all of which were extremely cooperative in writing this
column. Special thanks go to Matt Torson, of Classic Sport Companies,
who was nice enough to go out of his way and stop by the office to
talk about his products.
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