by Tim Sullivan
The products listed here are more toy related than sport, though
inventive minds can, and have, thought up sports related to them (Ultimate
Frisbee and Disc Golf come rapidly to mind.) Though these are more
toy oriented, the technology inherent in each may be paving the way
for much, much bigger things. Take a look at these fun, flying objects.
IWA Xstream Glider

IWA Xstream Glider |
Xstream Glider is one of the cooler things I have seen in some time.
Never mind what it does, it just looks awesome. Actually, do pay attention,
because what it does is rather amazing too, and you may see this little
glider go big places. IWA stands for Internal Wing Assembly, and is
a patented 3rd interior wing design. This technology is “based on
the generation of extraordinary lift and thrust by the action of air
moving through a shaped duct.” A bit wordy maybe, but you get the
idea. The wing design generates more lift for their surface area than
any other aircraft ever designed. The company is currently having
meetings with various military and civilian outfits to make this into
a real plane, so the Xstream Glider is a pretty cool thing to grab
on to. At seven inches long, made of foam and weighing around an ounce…this
thing really moves.

Aerobie Super Disc Ultra |
Super Disc Ultra
Mention a flying disc and most people won’t know what you’re
talking about. That’s because Frisbee, a maker of flying discs, has
so much control in this arena that their very brand name has virtually
become synonymous with their product. However, Aerobie, a competitor,
has been steadily breaking into that control. Known primarily for
their flying rings, which hold the world record for farthest thrown
(at 1,257 feet,) Aerobie has just come out with a more traditional
flying disc, the Super Disc Ultra. At 12” diameter, the Super Disc
Ultra has solid weight, and a newly designed rim to help it go the
distance. They also have a great endorsement by Scott Zimmerman, who
is the eight-time Overall World and US Open Frisbee Champion.
Power Air Surfer R/C Airplane
Would you rather sit back and let your flying objects do all
the work themselves? Well, WowWee almost has you there. You
have to toss the plane into the air by hand, but, once it is airborne,
feel free to take a seat. This bi-plane can get as high as 100 feet,
and is designed to never crash. I think of that as a challenge, and
thus should probably not be given this toy. The R/C control allows
you to change the altitude, speed, and direction of the plane. Affordably
priced, the Power Air Surfer is opening up this once exclusive hobby
to just about anyone.
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