Writing Made Simple Magnetic Letter & Number KidsMSRP:
Educational Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 23252Identify letters and numbers. Instruct children on how to form all capital letters and numbers correctly using these colorful, fun, animated magnetic puzzle pieces. Through play, children will learn the steps required to form letters and numbers correctly. This will translate easily when they begin to write with a crayon. 4/13/2009
Shoe Tying Made SimpleŽ Teaching SneakersMSRP:
Educational Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 22495Brightly colored and heavy-duty, this large shoe-shaped cut-out comes laced with thick fabric shoelaces. With one half of the lace in one color and the other in a contrasting color, young children who are learning to tie their shoes for the first time can easily keep track of which lace is which as they memorize the steps of the knot. The material of the laces is designed to be easy for little hands to handle and stay tied securely. Bi-colored laces are also available separately to put in kid's actual shoes. Launch Date: 2008 2/17/2009
Writing Made SimpleMSRP:
3 to 7Category:
Educational Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 21815The “Writing Made Simple” Kids are part of a larger curriculum that will include a child’s and teacher’s workbooks. This tin product is the fun, manipulative part of the program. The object is to teach the correct letter and numeral formations through play (utilizing a strong emphasis on a multisensory approach) using magnetic caricature puzzle pieces. Through initially forming the letters and numbers with manipulatives, the child will have ingrained the steps that will properly translate when using crayons/pencil and paper. Our four caricatures are performing an action (strong visual) as to how to form the shapes. Launch date: 2009. 12/12/2008