Girls From Around the WorldCategory:
Dolls Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 27797MGA's collectible fashion doll line features 18" multiethnic dolls from around the world in regional attire. Launch date: 2010. 3/30/2010
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] My Favorite Princess Doll and Tiara 4-Piece AssortmentMSRP:
3 and upCategory:
Dolls Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 27696Girls can ring their favorite fairy tales to life with MGA’s My Favorite Princess doll. She comes with her own tiara, dazzling dress and shoes, plus a display stand. She also comes with a "life-size tiara for princess role play," Susan Hale, PR Director of MGA Entertainment, told
TDmonthly. Launch date: Jan. 6, 2010.
— Terri Maccarrone, GM of Specialty Toys at MGA Entertainment, told
TDmonthly in June 2010 that this product is
not being developed. 3/24/2010
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] Little Tikes Makin' MudpiesMSRP:
2 and upCategory:
Outdoor Fun Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 27695Kids can make mud pies with this Little Tikes outdoor kitchen set. They use the hand-crank mud mixer to get the right consistency. The real working sink uses the water reservoir that releases when the pump button is pushed. No batteries are needed. The outdoor fun table includes a sink strainer, a shaker and lid, a pie mold, a large mixing bowl, a mixing spoon, a measuring cup and a cutting board. Makin' Mudpies is "one-of-a-kind," Susan Hale, PR Director of MGA Entertainment, told
TDmonthly. Awards: Parent's Choice Award 2010. Launch date: 2010. 3/24/2010
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] BFC, Ink. 18" DollsMSRP:
6 and upCategory:
Dolls Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 26182The BFC, Ink. (Best Friends Club, Ink.) 18" doll line consists of three characters: Addison, Kaitlin and Calista, each with her own unique personality and story to tell. Each articulated doll comes with relatable fashions, a version of the classic fortune-teller game and interactive journals meant to inspire girls to discover their individuality. The line is anchored by a series of tween-targeted fiction books, in partnership with Parragon Publishing. Awards: Dr. Toy 100 Best Children's Products 2009, Family Fun Top Ten Toy of the Year 2009; and iParenting Media 2009. "MGA Entertainment introduced the BFC, Ink. doll line with the goal of bringing a larger-than-life experience to girls," Negar Treister, Director of Communications, MGA Entertainment, told
TDmonthly. "With this in mind, it packaged each 18" articulated doll with extra fashions, a version of the classic fortune-teller game and an interactive activity journal. This vision resulted in a doll that is not only beautiful, but also unparalleled in the holistic play value it brings to girls." Launch date: October 1, 2009. 11/25/2009
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