Multiplication SensationMSRP:
7 to 11Category:
Audio & CD Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 17650The CD and book set helps kids practice their multiplication skills. The CD features catchy songs recorded by live musicians, and is accompanied by a book full of comic-book style illustrations for each of the numbers — or characters — on the CD. Launch date: July 2008. 2/21/2008
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] Listen in AdditionMSRP:
4 to 8Category:
Books Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 12121The “Listen in Addition” CD/book combination offers fresh and original music and whimsical illustrations to engage preschool through early elementary children while they are learning addition. The math skills covered in the CD are those that children are required to master by the end of 2nd grade. Catchy tunes, charming vocals and a variety of musical styles and instruments make it interesting for both kids and adults. Launch date: April 2007. 3/29/2007
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