Jump RopesCategory:
Outdoor Fun Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 22354Both the single (8') and double (16') are made from a double-braid, soft polypropylene rope that swivels right in the hand, making handles unnecessary. These colorful and durable jump ropes (available in six solid colors and six confetti colors) can be adjusted to fit most size kids, and they can be put into the family wash if soiled. They can be used by adults, too.
— “Jump ropes … are really big right now,” Linda Hamm, owner of
Early Work Toy Station in Petaluma, Calif., told
TDmonthly in spring 2009.
— Four of 60 retailers surveyed in March 2009 said jump ropes account for their top sales in outdoor and sports toys. 2/2/2009
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] StepperAge:
5 and upCategory:
Sporting Goods & Accessories Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 15764Do you remember the old romper stompers or upside-down coffee cans? These kid-friendly, low-rise stilts are colorful and designed to be ultra durable. They come in six colors, and the hand-held ropes are adjustable to fit any size child.
— E-Z Steppers were listed as top sellers in spring 2009 by Owner Candace Gooch of
At Once All Agog in Limerick, Maine. 10/17/2007
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] SkipperMSRP:
5 and upCategory:
Sporting Goods & Accessories Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 11533This unique skipping toy is swung around the ankle and hopped over by the opposite foot, creating an ongoing motion. It provides active play, improves agility and coordination, features colorful balls that jingle and is heavy enough to give a good spin. It comes in red, green, raspberry, purple, yellow and blue. “Our skipper is found to be the most durable of all similar products at its very competitive price,” CFO Michelle Kalberer of Just Jump It told
TDmonthly. 2/21/2007
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