Chess: Once A Pawn A TimeMSRP:
5 to 12Category:
Board Games
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 27070Using the two captivating books included in CHESS: Once A Pawn A Time, this kit is designed to help children enjoy learning and playing chess. The endearing chess characters and story-book style are created to engage them in the game. "This imaginative approach to teaching chess was developed by author Patzi Stewart over her 20 years as a chess teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area. The box opens so that customers can examine the books and understand the uniqueness of this chess product prior to purchase," Rachael Norman, Sales, Norman & Globus, Inc., told
TDmonthly. Awards: 2010 Dr. Toy Best Toys Award. Launch date: February 15, 2010. 2/11/2010
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] ScienceWiz™ DNAMSRP:
8 and upCategory:
Science & Nature
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 19701This 40-page science book and materials kit includes eight major activities that transform the study of central concepts of molecular biology into child's play. Kids can extract DNA from a fruit, probe and spool real DNA, build a double helix model, solve a chromosome puzzle (Is it a boy or a girl?) and play a gene construction game. A more advanced version is available for appropriate markets. Awards: TDmonthly Top Toy 2008. Launch date: 2008.
Where to Buy: Kazoo Toys 7/3/2008 [Add to my Inquiry Basket][?]
ScienceWiz™ Cool CircuitsCategory:
Science & Nature
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 18203Part of a line of ScienceWiz Thinking Games, this puzzle game created by Harry L. Nelson and Hiroshi Yamamoto provides 40 challenges at different skill levels. Players put a puzzle card down and solve the puzzle by making sure all the pieces are looped together, at which time the board will light up with the solution.
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] Pohaku™MSRP:
8 and upCategory:
General Games
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 17999Pohaku is a set of games and puzzles with only one rule. Different variations of each game can be played, making the game challenging for players of all ages and skill levels. The set includes a 40 page color rulebook, stones, a sliding puzzle tray and scorecards. 3/17/2008
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] Crazy Chemistry Party KitMSRP:
5 to 10Category:
Party Goods
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 7745Throw a party they will never forget. ScienceWiz's Crazy Chemistry Party Kit is the perfect addition to any child's party. Your child and six friends will have the chance to capture CO2 explosions, make candles, have a bulging penny contest, play the upside down water trick and have a sink or float balloon event. A time tested favorite from the ScienceWiz camps. 4/27/2006
[Add to my Inquiry Basket][?] Bottle Rocket Party KitMSRP:
8 and upCategory:
Party Goods
Watch Video NowToyDirectory Product ID#: 7744Throw a party they will never forget. ScienceWiz' Bottle Rocket Party Kit is the perfect addition to any child's party. Your child and six friends will have the chance to make their own bottle rocket and blast it into space. A time tested favorite from the ScienceWiz camps. 4/27/2006
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