Display TDmonthly Videos Without Slowing Down Your Website!
Have you been reluctant to add videos to your website even though you know
it will enhance your customers' browsing and buying experience? Are you
afraid the videos will slow your site's loading time?
TDmonthly's product videos will never slow down your site! All of our 2,400+
product videos reside on the ToyDirectory.com server; all you do is add a
link to let your customers see your toys in action.
Use our SEARCH features to find videos of the products you carry:
Each product will have HTML coding that can be used to add the video to
your site. Once added, the video will appear as a link reading "Watch
Video." When the link is clicked, a popup window will appear
and begin streaming the product demonstration. Also, if you're watching
a video on our site and notice that it has code in the box below the player,
just copy that code and use it to link from your site directly to the
If you have any difficulty with these links, please contact us at emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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Advanced Product Search
Please note that this search page dedicated to providing you the necessary HTML code to link your products to TDmonthly videos, is private, to be used strictly for your business purposes. By using these features, you agree to not use the provided information in any unauthorized way, and to not hold ToyDirectory.comŽ, Inc. liable for any problems or damages that may occur from improper use of the information provided.
Since 12/28/04
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