The Great
By Tim sullivan
A few months ago I wrote an article
on sports products urging people to get off the couch and get
outside. If you are one of the five people that read that piece, ignore
it. There's no need to go outside anymore. Nature is coming in.
When I was a kid, a mayonnaise jar
with a stick inside seemed to be a perfect habitat for all
sorts of critters. The recipe was simple: rinse, add stick, and
boom, instant perfect environment for frogs, newts, fireflies, and
anything else I got my hands on.
Unfortunately for
me and certainly
for the creatures, the recipe was wrong and my new pets rarely made
it through the night. I couldn’t even keep an animal securely in a real
cage. Instead, I would come home to find an empty gerbil cage and a
much-loved Batmobile chewed to pieces.
Luckily, your children do not have
to suffer the same fate and neither do their pets. A number of
companies have come out with some really cool, innovative
habitats for creatures big and small. Check these products out and
let the great outdoors into your home.
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