TDmonthly Magazine Product Reviews for EMANATION INC. --AD--
Below are some of the products from EMANATION INC. TDmonthly has reviewed.
Name: Mr. T in Your Pocket, Cajun in Your Pocket Company: EMANATION INC. Age: 5 and up Price: $10.00 Category: Novelties
Have you ever wondered what Mr. T’s real name is? This, and other T-rivia are compiled on the packaging for Emanation, Inc.’s (ToyDirectory, ToyShow) Mr. T in Your Pocket, a one-of-a-kind item using Mr. T’s real voice. This pocket gadget (with a ring for your car-keys) recites famous phrases like, “I pity the Fool,” and “Don’t Gimme No Back-Talk Sucka!”
Since it comes with three batteries and cut-away packaging, collectors and eBay addicts won’t even need to unwrap this toy to enjoy it. All the better, since Mr. T will probably be worth considerably more than its $10.00 retail price in years to come.
Substitute the voice of a Creole gent and you’ve got Cajun in Your Pocket. Fans of Cajun music and culture will recognize phrases like, “We gon’ pass a good time, yeah, chere!” and, “I love you like a pig loves corn!” The packaging has similarly interesting trivia about Cajuns, French Canadians who migrated to Louisiana in 1755.
By the way, Mr. T’s real name is Lawrence Tureaud.
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