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Darkness Falls on Sevinpold
Darkness Falls on Sevinpold

Gender: Boys And Girls

Darkness Falls on Sevinpold® is a strategy adventure game that plays in about 40 minutes. It never plays the same twice, has excitement at every turn and you will not know who triumphs until the last roll of the dice!

Darkness Falls on Sevinpold® was selected by TD Monthly staff as the Top 10 Most Wanted Toy at the 2006 NY Toy Fair. CLICK HERE

Darkness Falls on Sevinpold® earned more “10”s than any other toy evaluated by all five families since the Roundtable began last December. “[Sevinpold] gives them an opportunity to practice a whole new way of thinking that’s invaluable in so many aspects of adult life.” — Lynn Costine. CLICK HERE

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Darkness Falls on Sevinpold
Darkness Falls on Sevinpold

Created by an experienced marketing and product development executive from Procter & Gamble, Sevinpold® is not your run-of-the-mill kind of game. With two patents pending for its unique movement and innovative “team play” concepts, Sevinpold® has revolutionized the way board games are played.

Darkness Falls on Sevinpold® provides the kind of unique and exciting family fun that appeals to kids of all ages. Enclosed with every game, is a QuikStart DVD containing the animated story of Sevinpold® and a QuikStart guide to help players get started. Please contact for more information.


Darkness Falls on Sevinpold™ is a revolutionary new board game where you don't know who triumphs until the very last roll of the dice! Sevinpold™ isn’t just a game with castles, treasures, good guys and bad. It’s a world where every castle is filled with secrets, perils, powers and magical creatures; where the heroes, known as the Valiant, must play as a team against the menacing Darkness in order to win; where victory cannot be declared until the very last roll of the dice when the Scepter is re-united with the Living Throne. With excitement at every turn, Sevinpold™ is a game that never plays the same twice, challenges kids every step of the way and maintains their interest so they want to play again and again!

10 Woodrose Court
San Rafael, CA 94901

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