One of the most popular categories, educational toys are worth they're own section. Read on to find out what new educational toys are being launched, plus get insight from leading figures in the educational sector.

Musical Training Can Start with Toys
Toy Symphony products, were developed by Tod Machover, a composer and professor of music and media, and his research team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Bad News About TV Means Good News for the Toy Industry, IF...
The news about television’s effect on children’s attention span created quite a stir this spring.

A Game For All Equations
Bedmas (Ages 7 to adult) by Alagan is a unique new game that brings arithmatic skills and fast-paced competition to the same arena.

Fun That Adds Up
There is a good reason that Dr. Toy has ranked Numbers Count by purple pebble games as one of the 100 Best Children’s Products.

When the Telephone Rings
Barbara Gilmour is the Creator and Developer of Tanner’s Manners:
Be a “Kool Kind Kid” Manners Curriculum, Award-winning Audio CD and other products |

Are Educational Toys
Taking the "Play" out of Playtime?
Once reserved for the classrooms of forward-thinking teachers, educational
toys have found a home in the toy boxes of North American families. |

What Makes an Educational
Do “educational toys” actually deliver what they promise? A
psychologist slices through the hype and offers words of wisdom for
the discerning parent.

Reaching the Homeschool
Ian Slatter of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA),
a national homeschool advocacy group, states that up to two million
homeschool students exist in the United States. |

Toys Make Recycling
Part of Playtime
The best toys teach children positive life lessons. Today’s
toy makers are providing a number of environmentally friendly products
that teach about recycling... |

Educational Kits Have
Something for Everyone
Remember those dull science—or maybe it was reading or math—
lessons you sat through when you were a kid in school? |

Interactive Educational
Toys Bring Learning to Life
From Furbies to the latest from Leapfrog, electronic educational
toys are becoming increasingly sophisticated. |

Learning Kits: Education
in a Box
Educational toys and learning kits create a win-win situation:
children have fun and parents feel good. |

Unique Educational
Today’s newest educational and developmental toys turn playtime
into a learning opportunity through games, mazes, puzzles and videos
that entertain...

You Got Game: Educational
Games for Today
Let's face the facts: Every game you play is a learning experience.
Battleship teaches how to use logic, Monopoly educates about real

Learn and Play: Educational
Tools Make Playtime Soar
Kids may grimace at the word “educational,” but the latest
educational toys give the word new meaning...

Fisher Price’s New
Those who see the August launch of Fisher Price’s new Powertouch
learning system as a knee-jerk reaction to the success of Leapfrog’s
LeapPad, might want to take a closer look...