Articles by Margaret H. Evans
Toy Vehicles Entice Young Mechanics (6/1/2006) Toy vehicles — perennial favorites for kids — become even more desirable when youngsters can construct the cars, trucks or trains themselves.
Building Toys on a Small Scale (6/1/2006) Although building blocks have been around for years, brands and sets that offer a different twist enjoy strong sales, particularly at Christmastime.
Fort Materials Take on New Life (6/1/2006) Watching children construct forts out of boxes and household wares has inspired a number of construction-toy manufacturers.
Lend a Toy, Gain a Sale (6/1/2006) Although selling toys is understandably the focus for retailers, lending them is a trend that may hook customers.
New Toys Transform Pools Into Water Parks (5/1/2006) Remember when inner tubes and flimsy rubber rafts pretty much summed up the toys that everyone took to the pool and lake? Those days are no more.
Put Your Money on the Dapple-Gray (4/1/2006) Handcrafted, heirloom-style rocking horses transport riders back to a simpler, more magical time. And customers are willing to pay a pretty penny for the journey.
Building High With High-End Blocks (3/1/2006) Specialty blocks — many of them manufactured in Europe — are where it’s at these days.
Capitalizing on Worldwide Halloween BOOm (1/1/2006) Goblins, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns and scarecrows, longtime staples of U.S. Halloween celebrations, are now making inroads worldwide, as more foreign countries adopt the autumn celebration.
Models Put It All Together (12/1/2005) Nostalgia and a strong interest in history play starring roles in the popularity of many best-selling model kits.
The Right Staff (11/1/2005) Managing employees is a big challenge that many owners of small toy stores face, particularly those who do not have formal management training. Implementing the following five tips can help owners hire and retain happy, helpful, motivated and productive employees.
Getting in the Slot Car Racing Groove (11/1/2005) Slot cars are back in vogue. Check out what´s selling and why.
Model Railroading for Beginners (8/1/2005) Unlike many childhood hobbies, model railroading is something that can carry on into adulthood.
Chugging Along to the Future (8/1/2005) For many people, the words “model railroading” elicit images of old guys in engineer’s caps and striped overalls playing trains together.
Chic Boutique Hopes Hottiez will Sizzle (9/1/2004) When Murray Bass and Sarah Nguyen formed the Chic Boutique doll company in 2003, they knew they were entering the market at a fiercely competitive time. Staying afloat would require a product line that would set them apart from the rest. They hope they’ve found the key to success with the introduction of Hottiez, a collection of 10-inch dolls geared toward girls ages 4-9
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