Toys Stack Up
By Kevin Skaggs
April 1, 2003

Big Building Blocks by Little Tikes |
ages 2 and up will also love building life size structures with
the interlocking Big Building Blocks ($99.99),
put out by Little Tikes. The 33-piece set of “squishable”
blocks is large enough to allow children to get in and climb around
whatever they construct.

ImagiPLAY's Giant Building Blocks
started their company producing blocks and sees them as toys that
inspire the imagination and let a child's creativity flow. "I've
heard from early educators," said Barbera Aimes, President
of Imagiplay, "that if they could only recommend one toy, it
would be blocks for the learning aspect of them. And because they
don't really suggest too much, they leave everything open to the
child's imagination."

Little Tikes ActionPower Workshop
ages 2 and up will also love staying busy at their own ActionPower
Workshop ($55 - $60), put out by Little Tikes.
The play workshop comes with a truckload of pretend tools (30 accessories
in all), from a built-in electric saw to a nail gun. Kids can even
work along with an included project kit card that walks them through
how to build an actual birdhouse.

Construction 9-piece Peg Puzzle
by Lights, Camera, Interaction
getting started on their love for trucks will piece it all together
with Lights, Camera, Interaction's set of wooden
puzzles. There's the Construction 9-piece Peg Puzzle
($9.99), the Transportation 9-piece Peg Puzzle
($9.99) as well as the Fire Truck Puzzle ($9.99).
All puzzles have durable, laminated pieces with small pegs for easy
handling by little hands.
Bio: Kevin Skaggs is a San Francisco-based writer whose
work has appeared in Wired and Harvard Review.