Force is Strong on This One:
LucasFilm's President of Licensing Howard Roffman Takes You Behind
the Scenes of a Toy Industry Blockbuster
By Tim
November 1, 2002
Roffman |
Directory Monthly: Given that Star Wars' mythology has
been so deeply absorbed by our culture, is the creation of brand-awareness
a non-issue for Lucasfilm?
Howard Roffman: We never rest on our laurels. With
new films coming out, as well as a constant flow of new products
from toys to games to books, we are very much focused on brand awareness
as well as brand management. Rather than say that awareness is a
non-issue for Lucasfilm, I would say that because of the deep roots
of Star Wars in our culture, we are conscious that a number of forces
are already at work outside of our own marketing efforts that contribute
substantially to creating brand awareness.
Probably the chief factor is the fact that so many parents who were
influenced by Star Wars when they were children or teenagers are
now introducing their own children to the Saga. You couldn't ask
for a stronger brand endorsement. At the same time, we have to recognize
that their children are growing up in a different time and they
are bombarded with messages from other properties that are vying
for their attention. We have to exist in that environment as well!
TDM: Along the lines of brand awareness... Has
Lucasfilm ever entertained the idea of creating its own retail outlets,
such as Disney and Warner Bros have done?
HR: A long time ago we evaluated the concept and
decided that it was a bad idea for a number of reasons. I'm very
glad we made the decision we did. We have a wonderful relationship
with the major retailers, who in turn have done a terrific job of
featuring and promoting Star Wars products. And I think that is
exactly where Star Wars belongs.
TDM: Does Lucasfilm take an active approach to
licensing, such as working alongside manufacturers and retailers
in creating new products, or by creating "point of difference"
amongst retailers to allow them each their own niche?
HR: I think most of our partners would say that
we are a pretty proactive licensor. We take our role as shepherds
of the brand very seriously, particularly because it is a long-term
prospect and needs to be managed accordingly. We try to have the
kind of working relationship with our licensees where both parties
are bringing good creative ideas to the table and working together
to offer the best products to the consumer.
We respect the expertise of our licensees in their product areas,
and hopefully they respect our expertise when it comes to Star Wars.
Similarly, we've found that retail differentiation is an important
part of our marketing strategy. Each of the major retailers IS different,
and they deserve to be differentiated in a meaningful way when it
comes to their Star Wars programs.
TDM: The number of licensees for Attack of the
Clones was one-third less than with Phantom Menace, but without
a major drop-off in sales; is this less-is-more approach something
that Lucasfilm plans to stick with for future film releases?
published in the November Issue of ToyDirectory online Magazine.
Lowdown on Licensing: ToyDirectory
talks with Lucasfilm, McFarlane Toys, and Toys R Us for a view of
the whole food-chain
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