Toy and Hobby Trade Organizations
American Association of Exporters and Importers
www.aaei.org 1050 17th Street, NW
Suite 810
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 857-8009
Fax: (202) 857-7843
American Booksellers Association (ABA)
www.bookweb.org info@bookweb.org
200 White Plains Rd. Tarrytown, NY 10591
Tel: (914) 591-2665 x6635 OR (800) 637-0037
American Specialty Toy Retailers Association (ASTRA)
116 W. Illinois St. Suite 5E Chicago, IL 60610
Tel: (312) 222-0984, (800) 591-0490
f ax: (312) 222-0986
Association Headquarters, Inc.
www.associationheadquarters.com inquire@ahint.com
15000 Commerce Parkway Suite C Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Tel: (877) 777-6753
Fax: (856) 439-0525
Children's Advertising Review Unit, Council of Better
Business Bureaus
www.caru.org caru@caru.bbb.org 70 West 36th Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: (866)334-6272 x111
Consumer Electronics Association (Electronic Industries
www.ce.org cea@CE.org 1919 S Eads Street
Arlington, VA 22202 Tel:(866) 858-1555
OR (703) 907-7600 Fax: (703) 907-7675
Consumer Product Safety Commission www.cpsc.gov info@cpsc.gov Tel: (301) 504-7923 Fax: (301) 504-0124
Craft and Hobby Association (HIA & ACCI merged to form HCA) www.hobby.org/allaboutcha.html info@craftandhobby.org 319 East 54th Street
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Tel: (201) 794-1133 Fax: (201) 797-0657
Dallas Market Center www.dallasmarketcenter.com info@dmcmail.com
Federal Trade Commission www.ftc.gov 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580
International Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association www.licensing.org info@licensing.org
International Mass Retail Association www.retail-leaders.org erin.dimuzio@retail-leaders.org
Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA)
www.jpma.org jpma@ahint.com 15000 Commerce Parkway, Suite C
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Tel: (856) 638-0420
Fax: (856) 439-0525
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts www.miniatures.org name@miniatures.org
National Retail Federation www.nrf.com
National Retail Hobby Stores Association (NRHSA)
www.nrhsa.org info@nrhsa.org 214 Hale Street
Wheaton, IL 60187 Tel: (630) 510-4596 Fax: (630) 510-4596
Society of the Plastics Industries (SPI) www.plasticsindustry.org 1667 K St., NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 296.7005
The International Toy Center
www.thetoycenter.com/ info@chetritgroup.com
200 Fifth, LLC 404 Fifth Ave. 4th Fl. New York, NY 10018
Tel: (646) 230-9360
Fax: (646) 230-9371
Toy Industry Association, Inc. (TIA)
Toy Train Operating Society
www.ttos.org ttos@ttos.org
136 E. Santa Clara St. #2 Arcadia, CA 91006
Tel: (626) 574-7453 Fax: (626) 575-7454
ToyDirectory.com Inc.
12340 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 226
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 424-272-6854
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association (WTHRA)
www.wthra.com toyshow@wthra.com 9397 Reserve Dr.
Corona, CA 92883
Tel: (951) 277-1598
Fax: (951) 277-1599
Canada's Greatest Collector's Toy Show
www.ctcs.org/show.htm ctcstoyshow@hotmail.com attn: Toy Show
c/o 2676-64 Folkway Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada,L5L 2G5 Tel: (905) 820-2697
Canadian Toy Manufacturers Association
www.cdntoyassn.com info@cdntoyassn.com Suite 212
7777 Keele St.
Concord, Ontario L4K 1Y7
Tel: (905) 660-5690
Fax: (905) 660-6103
Messe Essen GmbH www.messe-essen.de info@messe-essen.de Norbertstrasse
D - 45131 Essen Tel: +49.(0)201.7244.248
Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka www.yarmarka.ru:8100
Olma Messen St. Gallen www.olma-messen.ch info@olma-messen.ch
Sollentuna Massan www.stockholmsmassan.se/stockholmsmassan_eng/ infomaster@stofair.se Stockholm International Fairs
S-125 80 STOCKHOLM Tel: +46 8 749 41 00 Fax: +46 8 99 20 44
Taiwan Toy manufacturers Association (TTMA)
ttma.asiansources.com/ ttma01@ms5.hinet.net 6F, No.42, Sec.1, Min Sheng E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-25711264 ext 32 Fax: 886-2-25411061
Tampere Trade Fairs Ltd www.tampereenmessut.fi/html/eng_index.html Ilmailunkatu 20
P.O. BOX 163
FIN-33901 Tampere Finland Tel: +358 207 701 200 Fax: +358 207 701 201
The Japan Toy Association https://www.toys.or.jp/english.htm otoiawase2007@toys.or.jp 22-4, Higashi-Komagata 4-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
130-8611 Japan Tel: 81-3-3829-2513