Related to Toy, Game, Gift, and Hobby Industry
Art Materials Retailer (formerly Art Materials Today) www.artmaterialsretailer.com kfahy@fwpi.com 171 Reed St.
PO Box 1080
Geneva, NY 14456
Tel: (800) 344-0559 OR (315) 789-0458
Fax: (315) 789-4263
Country Business
Craft & Neddlework Age (CNA) Magazine
www.cnamag.com Beth.Mauro@fwpubs.com
CNA/FW Publications 4700 E. Galbraith Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 Craftrends
www.craftrends.com 741 Corporate Circle, Suite A
Golden, CO 80401
Tel: 303/278-1010
Fax: 303/277-0370
Discount Store News PO Box 4368
Topeka, KS 66604
Florist Review
www.floristsreview.com Tel: 800-367-4708
OR 785-266-0888 Fax: 785-266-0333
Flower News/Nursery News
www.cenflo.com info@cenflo.com P.O. Box 44040
Rio Rancho, NM 87174 Tel: 800-732-4581 Fax: 505-892-0986
Gifts & Decorative Accessories
www.giftsanddec.com mweiskott@reedbusiness.com 360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010 Tel: (646) 746-6400 Fax: (646) 746-7431
Giftware News
www.giftwarenews.com 20 W Kinzie, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60610 Tel: 312.849.2220 Fax: 312.849.2174
Kidscreen Magazine
www.kidscreen.com dmacneil@brunico.com Suite 500, 366 Adelaide St. W.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5V 1R9 Tel:416-408-2300
OR 800-543-4512 Fax: 416-408-0870
Magazine Retail Sales
www.nurseryretailer.com jeff@nurseryretailer.com Tel: (727) 724-0020 Fax: (727) 724-0021
Picture Framing Magazine
www.pictureframingmagazine.com pfm@hobbypub.com P.O. Box 102
207 Commercial Court
Morganville, NJ 07751 Tel: 732-536-5160
OR 800-969-7176 Fax: 732-536-5761
www.playthings.com cannicelli@reedbusiness.com
Selling Halloween
www.sellinghalloween.com dvanhouten@edgellmail.com 4 Middlebury Boulevard
Randolph, NJ 07869
Fax: 973-252-9020
Selling Christmas
dvanhouten@edgellmail.com 4 Middlebury Boulevard
Randolph, NJ 07869
Fax: 973-252-9020
TDmonthly Magazine®
12340 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 226 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel: 424-272-6854
The Toy Book
jsamet@adventurepub.com Adventure Publishing Group
1107 Broadway, Suite 1204
New York, NY 10010
Fax: 212-575-4521
Toy Shop
www.toyshopmag.com toyshop@krause.com