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ToyDirectory® - Sound from SCIENCE WIZ / NORMAN & GLOBUS INC.,
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Specialty: Yes (as of 2015)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
This great new science kit from Science Wiz lets kids accomplish college-level experiments with sound by building an Edison-Style phonograph and downloading free apps from the web. There are twenty different activities that kids can do with this kit.

Featured in:March Staff Picks (3/1/2015)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 37229      (added 2/15/2015)

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MSRP: $29.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Science Wiz presents their new Sound Science Kit. Joining a stable of bestselling titles, Sound lets a child build, record, play and explore sound vibrations. 20 activities are included with a 48 page book and materials. Building a working Edison Phonograph is the center piece of the product. For ages 8 years and up with a suggested retail of $29.95.

Featured in:February Staff Picks (2/1/2015)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 37087      (added 12/11/2014)

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MSRP: $24.95
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
General Games
Science Wiz presents Cool Circuits Junior the follow-up to the mega hit, Cool Circuits. 40 brand new puzzles, 8 3-D puzzle pieces and 6 orange barriers bring the difficulty level down a bit from the original. Connect the circuit and the game board lights up and plays music. Solution book and batteries are included. Recommended for ages 6 years and up with a suggested retail of  $24.95.

Featured in:January Staff Picks (1/1/2015)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 37086      (added 12/11/2014)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
40 page science book with materials. An exciting set of selected experiments (Split water into rocket fuel! Pop hydrogen! Flame test salts! Grow huge crystals! Model 3D electron orbitals!) designed to make elements elementary and explore the periodicity of the periodic table. Learn about atoms and the stuff they are made of - protons, neutrons and electrons. This beautifully illustrated book takes children through the alphabet of the universe.
— In a November 2014 survey, two retailers told TDmonthly that Science Wiz kits are one of their store's best-selling educational toys.

Featured in:Top-10 Most-Wanted Educational Toys (12/1/2014)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 36677      (added 4/4/2014)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Blast off with Newton's laws of motion and prepare to excel in PHYSICS! Develop a fundamental understanding of inertia, the laws of motion, centripetal force, mass, weight, velocity and acceleration. Concepts are covered with time tested experiments and highly visual illustrations. This kit includes a balance scale for measuring mass, a stopwatch accurate to 1/100 of a second to clock speed and a jet car that really zooms.
Awards: Dr. Toy's Best Toys Award; Dr. Toy's Best Vacation Toy Award; Creative Child Magazine Award
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 36676      (added 4/4/2014)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 5 to 10
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
40 page science book with materials. Candle making, water squirting, freezing thawing, glop, and mud pie experiments -- things every child should do to explore the matter of matter. 35 activities include: Capture a CO2 explosion; Squeeze an egg into a bottle; Grow crystals and more. Authors Note: When my children were small they tested the experiments that are in this book. We sorted through many, many projects and picked our favorites. In high school and college both my son and daughter loved chemistry. I took a lot of chemistry, but I never loved the field the way my children do. I think this kit and their early experiences with chemistry had a lot to do with this difference.
Awards: Creative Child Magazine Award

Featured in:Top-10 Most-Wanted Tween Toys (11/1/2015)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 36675      (added 4/4/2014)

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MSRP: $24.95
Age Range: 12 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2014)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Projects in Electrostatics! Build 6 different devices to explore CHARGE! Build a hair raising Van de Graaff Generator; Detect charge with an electroscope; Store charge in a Leyden jar; Spin an electrostatic motor; Transport charge with an electrophorus; Ring a Franklin bell. Complete 15 Activities with these devices, including: Spew a glitter fountain; Make your hair stand on end with electrostatic CHARGE!; Generate large sparks with an electrostatic generator; Spin an electrostatic motor; Explore and detect plus and minus charges; Propel objects with an electrostatic generator.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 36674      (added 4/4/2014)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Relate rocks to the history of the planet. Uses exciting eruptive experiments to foster comprehension. Mold and slice open a model of the earth, Create a lava fountain to explore density, Spew a volcano, Make pyroclastic eruptions, Discover which rocks will float and which will burn, Identify, break & display volcanic rocks, Sediment sedimentary rocks, Acid test rocks, Explore metamorphic rocks, and Form fossils.
Awards: 2013 TDmonthly Seal of Approval
— John Blair, owner of Science Safari in Cary, N.C., told TDmonthly in a late Summer 2012 survey that Norman & Globus products "are perennial. I continuously do well with these."
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 34106      (added 4/18/2012)

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MSRP: $19.98
Age Range: 5 to 12
SKU or Item #: 7851
Launch Date: February 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games
Award Winners
Using the two captivating books included in CHESS: Once A Pawn A Time, this kit is designed to help children enjoy learning and playing chess. The endearing chess characters and story-book style are created to engage them in the game. "This imaginative approach to teaching chess was developed by author Patzi Stewart over her 20 years as a chess teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area. The box opens so that customers can examine the books and understand the uniqueness of this chess product prior to purchase," Rachael Norman, Sales, Norman & Globus, Inc., told TDmonthly. Awards: 2010 Dr. Toy Best Toys Award. Launch date: February 15, 2010.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 27070      (added 2/11/2010)

Wholesale Price: $10
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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 5 to 10
Launch Date: July 2008
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
This kit includes high-quality ceramic magnets and 26 activities designed to develop a solid foundation for more advanced topics in electricity and magnetism, teaching children the fundamental principles of magnetism while they play. It includes how to build an electromagnet, how to flip the poles of an electromagnet, and how an electric motor works, and allows kids to go iron detecting, visualize the lines of force, craft a compass, and levitate and bounce ring magnets. "ScienceWiz Magnetism is the only product of its kind that teaches the concepts of magnetism through hands-on learning and play. Magnets are more fun when you know how they work!" Rachael Norman, sales manager for Norman & Globus Inc., told TDmonthly. This product has received a Creative Child Magazine Award. Launch date: July 1, 2008.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 21177      (added 10/31/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 6 to 12
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
This 40 page, full color book with all materials except common items & 1.5 volt battery contains 25 activities for children 6 to 12. Decode words and secret messages with mirror magic. Visit the incredible world of the invisible. Light wands, rainbow glasses, shadow capture paper, spinning and mixing colors, and molding lenses are FUN! Nurtures a love of science with carefully crafted projects that work.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20236      (added 8/26/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
This science book comes with materials included for 24 activities. Through rocketry and a classic set of favorite projects, Motion explores the central concepts of physics. This kit is packed with parts, including a beautiful, precision, brass colored balance scale to measure mass, a hover puck, a jet car that really zooms, the components to make your own spring meter, an accurate to 1/100 of a second stop watch to clock speed, velocity and acceleration and the tubes, stoppers and inflation needle to launch both water rockets and baking soda rockets. Each project has been refined, through years of testing and feedback, into age appropriate fun.

Featured in:TDmonthly's Top Toys of 2014 (1/1/2015)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20235      (added 8/26/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 5 to 10
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
SKU or Item #: 7800
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
This kit includes a 40 page science book and enough contents to participate in 18 activities. All materials are included except for a D-cell battery. The kit has step-by-step, highly visual instructions and child appropriate materials designed for young children to work independently.
— John Blair, owner of Science Safari in Cary, N.C., told TDmonthly in a September 2011 survey that they sell 6-8 of these kits each month. "We really like them and we push them,” he said. 
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20188      (added 8/21/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
SKU or Item #: 7811
Launch Date: January 2008
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature

This 40-page science book and materials kit includes eight major activities that transform the study of central concepts of molecular biology into child's play. Kids can extract DNA from a fruit, probe and spool real DNA, build a double helix model, solve a chromosome puzzle (Is it a boy or a girl?) and play a gene construction game. A more advanced version is available for appropriate markets. Awards: TDmonthly Top Toy 2008. Launch date: 2008.

Where to Buy: Kazoo Toys

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 19701      (added 7/3/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Puzzles & Skill
Part of a line of ScienceWiz Thinking Games, this puzzle game created by Harry L. Nelson and Hiroshi Yamamoto provides 40 challenges at different skill levels. Players put a puzzle card down and solve the puzzle by making sure all the pieces are looped together, at which time the board will light up with the solution.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 18203      (added 3/31/2008)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
SKU or Item #: 7852
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: General Games
Puzzles & Skill
Pohaku is a set of games and puzzles with only one rule. Different variations of each game can be played, making the game challenging for players of all ages and skill levels. The set includes a 40 page color rulebook, stones, a sliding puzzle tray and scorecards.

Featured in:Wooden Toys Take Pomona (4/1/2008)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 17999      (added 3/17/2008)

Wholesale Price: $10
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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
SKU or Item #: 7805
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature
Both educational and fun, this kit addresses the global climate crisis and calls kids to action. The kit includes lab materials and a book written by Ph.D. scientist Penny Norman. A supercapacitor, a solar cell, two motors, an electric car, a flywheel generator and pure hydrogen are among the many materials included.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 15450      (added 9/27/2007)

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MSRP: $8.50
Age Range: 5 to 10
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Party Goods
Throw a party they will never forget. ScienceWiz's Crazy Chemistry Party Kit is the perfect addition to any child's party. Your child and six friends will have the chance to capture CO2 explosions, make candles, have a bulging penny contest, play the upside down water trick and have a sink or float balloon event. A time tested favorite from the ScienceWiz camps.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 7745      (added 4/27/2006)

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MSRP: $8.50
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Party Goods
Throw a party they will never forget. ScienceWiz' Bottle Rocket Party Kit is the perfect addition to any child's party. Your child and six friends will have the chance to make their own bottle rocket and blast it into space. A time tested favorite from the ScienceWiz camps.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 7744      (added 4/27/2006)

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MSRP: $19.95
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Educational
Science & Nature
With this kit, children can make a real radio, a spinning motor, a light flashing generator and a clicking telegraph. Summer camps and boy scout troops have repeatedly used Inventions in their programs. This kit has received many national awards. The projects actually work, even in large groups where individualized attention is not possible. This kit has been used at MIT to mentor high school students in physics, and has been used at the Fermi Lab and the University of Texas at Austin.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5412      (added 11/9/2005)

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