Office Supply Scams
Office Supply Scams
your organization be a victim of an office supply scam? If you dont
have adequate purchasing controls, probably so. Businesses, churches,
and fraternal and charitable organizations are being bilked out of millions
of dollars by bogus office supply firms. You can protect yourself by learning
to recognize the scams and understanding your rights.
The typical office supply scam involves goods or services
that you routinely order: copier paper, toner and maintenance supplies,
equipment maintenance contracts, or classified advertising. When fraudulent
telemarketers call, they often lie to get you to pay for items you didnt
order, or to get you to pay more than you agreed to. How? The caller may
falsely claim to be your "regular supplier" or to tell you that
the offer is "special" or "good for a limited time only."
Con artists take advantage of holes in your organizations purchasing
procedures or of unsuspecting employees who may not be aware of office
practices. Whats worse, the office supplies peddled by these bogus
firms often are overpriced and of poor quality; the services usually are
Office supply scam artists generally use three
ways to take your money the phony-invoice, the pretender, and the
Phony-invoice Scams
The goal of the phony-invoice scam is to get the name and address of an
employee so your organization can be shipped and billed for unordered
goods or services. The invoice includes the employees name as the
"authorized" buyer. Scam operators use various ploys to get
an employees name: They may call asking for help completing an order,
claiming that "the accounting department lost the name of the person
we should send these supplies to," or they may ask for the name of
the person in charge of your Yellow Pages advertising.
Once the con artist has an employees name and
address, hell ship the unordered merchandise. The phony invoice
arrives a week or so after for two reasons: First, the inflated
price as much as 10 times what youd pay for the same goods
from a legitimate supplier is less obvious if the invoice arrives
after the merchandise has been received and stocked. Second, the chances
are good that youve used the merchandise before the invoice arrives.
Many organizations mistakenly believe that they must return unordered
merchandise or pay for unordered merchandise if theyve used it.
A twist on this approach may have the fraudulent seller
timing a phony invoice to match your purchase of legitimate services from
another vendor. For example, the seller sends you a bill for unordered
classified advertising soon after your ad runs in a legitimate publication.
The scam operator hopes youll be confused and pay his bill instead
of, or in addition to, the one from the legitimate company.
The Pretender Scam
In the pretender scam, the caller may pretend to be your regular or previous
supplier, a replacement, or an "authorized" supplier. By convincing
you that the goods or services and prices offered are the same as before,
the caller hopes you wont bring up prices, quantities, and brands.
Even if you do, the seller may try to brush you off by saying, "Weve
supplied you in the past, but its been a while," or "The
price is the same as last time." If you insist on a price quote,
the seller may give a price that sounds reasonable for one carton but
is actually for a single unit, such as "$19.95 in a carton of 10."
Translation: the carton price is 10 times $19.95 or $199.50.
In one variation on this scam, the caller misrepresents
the quality, quantity, type, price, or brand name. For example, the ribbons
for your IBM typewriters may not be IBM brand ribbons, or the toner for
your Xerox copier may not be Xerox brand toner. Some scam artists try
to duplicate brand name packaging; others sell half a carton of merchandise
at the full-carton price. Similarly, sellers of Yellow Pages advertising
may actually represent fly-by-night outfits that distribute few, if any,
telephone directories.
In another twist, the caller uses high pressure tactics
to rush your purchase decision and dodge questions about price, quantity
and brand names. The seller may falsely claim that prices are going up
soon, someone was forced out of business, a warehouse is overstocked,
or a limited inventory of government surplus is available. Or that a computer
glitch delayed notification of a price increase, but, as a courtesy, an
order has been reserved for you at the "regular" or "old"
Or, the seller may misrepresent the purpose of the
call, saying that hes calling to send you a promotional item such
as a cordless screwdriver, free samples, or a catalog so youll "think
of him next time you order." Or the seller may claim that hes
conducting a survey of office equipment or updating company records, leading
you to believe that hes the regular or previous supplier. Before
hanging up, the caller may mention in passing actual merchandise.
"Ill send that screwdriver to you right away ... and while
Im at it, Ill throw in a few deodorant blocks." Soon,
a shipment arrives, followed by the bill.
The Gift-Horse Scam
The gift-horse scam tries to create mistrust within an organization. The
scheme starts when the caller tricks an employee into accepting a gift
a free promotional item with a passing reference to merchandise
or services. You receive overpriced unordered merchandise, followed by
an invoice with the employees name. When the organization questions
the employee, the fraudulent seller is betting that the employee will
be nervous about the gift when he denies placing the order. The hope is
that the organization will doubt the employee. When this scheme works,
the organization believes that the employee blundered into ordering something
that must be paid for.
After the Invoice Arrives
Scam artists spend significant time and energy
on collection efforts. They send as many invoices as it takes to get your
money. Invoices often are stamped "Past Due." In extreme cases,
theyll resort to real or bogus collection agencies and threats of
legal action.
An organization that pays for unordered goods or services
also may be targeted for additional scams. This practice is called "reloading."
For example, the seller may send a second shipment of "back ordered"
merchandise and another bill, or bills for service upgrades. Additional
invoices follow as long as you continue to pay. The con artist also may
sell your organizations name to other scam operators, or move to
another bogus operation and target you with a new scheme.
When organizations complain that they didnt
order the merchandise or services or that the price is too high, the scam
seller reacts in some predictable ways:
- Bullying. The seller argues if you
express any uncertainty about whether the supplies or services were
ever ordered: "They were ordered. We have a recording of
Mr. Jones. If you dont pay, we can take you to court."
- Negotiating. Here, the seller agrees
to accept a lower price. After all, the goods and services are so grossly
overpriced that almost anything the seller gets is profit. If you complain
about price, the seller may say, "You were charged what? They must
not have given you the discount for ...." The seller then tries
to negotiate "a better deal." Sometimes, the seller appeals
for sympathy: "We really need the business. Ill let you have
it for...."
- Charging for returned merchandise.
The seller claims you can return merchandise if you pay a "restocking
fee." In fact, the fee is often more than the goods are worth.
Similarly, the seller may try to get you to pay shipping charges to
return the items.
Protect Your Organization
You can protect your organization from paying for
unordered goods and services. Heres how:
1. Know your rights. If you receive supplies
or bills for services you didnt order, dont pay,
and dont return the unordered merchandise. You may treat unordered
merchandise as a gift. By law, its illegal for a seller to send
you bills or dunning notices for unordered merchandise, or ask you to
return it even if the seller offers to pay for shipping. Further,
if the seller sends you items that differ from your order in brand name,
type, quantity, size, or quality without your prior express agreement
you may treat the substitutions as unordered merchandise. Unordered
services are treated the same way. However, first consider the possibility
that the seller made an honest mistake.
The FTCs Telemarketing Sales Rule offers additional
protections in business-to-business sales of non-durable office or cleaning
supplies and most sales of goods or services to individuals, groups, or
associations. The Rule requires telemarketers to tell you its a
sales call and whos doing the selling before they
make their pitch. They must tell you the total cost of the products or
services theyre offering, any restrictions on getting or using them,
and that a sale is final or non-refundable before you pay. Its
illegal for telemarketers to misrepresent any information, including facts
about the goods or services being offered.
2. Assign designated buyers and document your
purchases. For each order, the designated employee should issue
a purchase order electronic or written to the supplier
with an authorized signature and a purchase order number. The order
form should instruct the supplier to note the purchase order number
on the invoice and bill of lading. The buyer should send a copy of every
purchase order to your accounts payable department. Keep blank order
forms secure.
3. Check your documentation before paying bills.
When merchandise arrives, the receiving employee should verify that
it matches the shippers bill of lading paying special attention
to brands and quantity and your purchase order. Refuse merchandise
that doesnt. If everythings in order, the employee should
send a copy of the bill of lading to your accounts payable department.
Bills for services should be reconciled the same way. A supplier should
not be paid unless the invoice has the correct purchase order number
and the information on the invoice, the purchase order and the bill
of lading match.
4. Train your staff. Train everyone in how
to respond to telemarketers. Advise employees who are not authorized
to order supplies and services to say, "Im not authorized
to place orders. If you want to sell us something, you must speak to
______________ and get a purchase order."
Buy from people you know and trust. Authorized employees
should be skeptical of "cold" or unsolicited calls and feel
comfortable saying "no" to high pressure sales tactics. Legitimate
companies dont pressure you to make a snap decision. Finally, consider
asking new suppliers to send a catalog first.