Smart Balance Bikes by Smart Gear, which are pedal free and without training wheels, first and foremost help a child develop the most important skills necessary to later ride a 2 wheel bicycle with pedals: BALANCE and MOTOR SKILLS.
Smart Balance Bikes were designed to develop a child’s balance and coordination by simply allowing the child to sit and walk or run with the bike by pushing with their feet. If the bike starts to fall, kids instinctively regain their balance using their feet. Once they’ve gained some momentum and balance control they can lift their feet up as they feel comfortable and start cruising!
Traditional toddler bikes with "training wheels" don’t necessarily train or teach a child how to ride a bicycle. The training wheels are merely a crutch that give the child a false sense of security and merely keep the child busy or entertained rather than actually helping the child develop the necessary skills to ride a bicycle.
With Smart Gear's Graffiti Series, children design their own bike using Dry-Erase markers! Smart Gear's Graffiti series bikes promote the growth of a childs individuality and independence by encouraging them to create and customize their own designs right on their bikes...and then show them off! And, when they need a change, just wipe off and start all over again.
• Children can custom design their bike with dry erase markers (included)
• Adjustable seat height to grow with your child
• Limited steering radius to prevent jackknifing
• Pneumatic Rubber Tires with extra-long tube valves
• Unique carry handle incorporated in the bike’s body
• Rubberized handle bar grips
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