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Active ToyDirectory Member Since 2009
This ToyShow Preview was last updated on 10/14/2009

Duncan Toys has been the industry-leader in yo-yos and spin tops since 1929. With products manufactured in the USA, Duncan Toys are produced from the highest quality plastics, with precision designs and components.

Founded by Donald F. Duncan, Duncan Toys has sold billions of yo-yos worldwide since its inception. With the addition of new performance lines of yo-yos and spin tops, Duncan is the #1 choice of beginners and pros alike. Duncan Toys has been a division of Flambeau since 1967.

Wiz-z-zers® Battle Tops
WarStone is a collectible card game using marbles to compete against opponents on a board. The starter set is designed for 2, 3, or 4 players. To start a game, divide the card deck by color and match up stones with cards of the same color. Set up the battlefield. Place stones in their starting positions. Stones with icons match the icons on the cards. Except for Hex cards, each stone has a matching card. The object of the game is to fire at an opponent and knock a predetermined number of them off the battlefield. The cards instruct you how to attack. Contents include 24 WarStone Stands, 24 Page Rule Book, 2 Savage Stones, 4 Master Stones, 16 Core Stones, 60 Cards, Ruler and Markers, and Storage Pouch.

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Duncan® Wiz-z-zers® are Duncan's newest set of battling tops. There are three collectible themes, including BioBugs, BioNinjas and BioSaurus. You can battle Ninjas, Dinos and Bugs for World supremacy. Wiz-z-zer revs to a sizzling 10,000 rpms. Each Wiz-z-zer comes with a base, trick stands, battle belt and battle trick book.

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Hayabusa™ Yo-Yo
Pulse™ Yo-Yo
Developed by Duncan Crew Japan, the Hayabusa™ sets the new standard for the perfect offstring yo-yo. Complete with three different response systems for intermediate to advanced players: friction stickers, silicone stickers, and the new recessed triad.

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Not only the best light-up yo-yo on the market, but the Pulse™ is a high-quality, perfectly balanced, ball-bearing yo-yo that is actually unique, and affordable. New lighting technology offers increased color changing lights and patterns with each second of increased spin time. It turns a standard 2-handed performance into a fantastic show of light and color!

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15981 Valplast Road
Middlefield, OH 44062
Ph: 440-632-1631
Fax: 440-632-1581
Alt Phone: 800-232-3474

This ToyShow archives was last updated on 10/14/2009
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