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This ToyShow Preview was last updated on 3/7/2014

Education Outdoors Inc. was created by Tim Paczesny in 2005. Before Education Outdoors, Tim had founded a non-profit organization called “The League of Extraordinary Outdoorsmen”. The League organized a family fishing day once a year that was held during the free fishing weekend in Michigan. During this event, Tim realized the need to educate children and their families about the outdoors.

The motivating factor to this initial realization occurred while Tim was gathering Morel mushrooms with his wife and two daughters in Northern Michigan. Tim’s daughter noticed an animal track on the ground and asked her dad what it could be. He told her that it was a raccoon track. “Dad, how did you learn all the things you know about nature?” With that question, Education Outdoors Inc. was created and its first educational board game was about to be developed. During the winter of 2005 and into 2006, Tim was dedicated to making his dream become a reality. He finished 400 questions and 100 fun facts about animals and the great outdoors. This completed the first game called “Camp— The Game That Grows"

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Pet Pods
Toasted or Roasted
Pet pods are a 4 inch stuffed animal that has a back that opens up to reveal a set of ear buds inside. The Pet pods where designed to solve a nagging problem for parents across the world. How do I get my children to stop losing their ear buds? The pet pods have a small chain and clasp for attaching them to back packs or purses. Each pet pod also has an educational component to them. At the bottom of the pet pod is a QR code that when scanned goes to a educational site about that animal. Once at this site the user can also register their pet pod on the virtual forest. This is a Social site designed to allow the user to post pictures of their pets, name them and also receive outdoor related content. With this site we can help inspire children to get more involved with the outdoors using technology to our advantage!

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Toasted or Roasted Game is an Offensive/Defensive Board/Card game. The object of the game is to create a Camp fire and Toast three Marshmallows before any other opponent. The first goal is to get a fire starter card and start your campfire, Then you want to acquire a marshmallow card and then a Toasted card. But watch out your opponents can blow out your fire starter card with the wind card, Roast your marshmallow to a burnt crisp or Rain on your Campfire! A great family Game designed to be a take along for Camp outings. Packaged in a Water proof bag.

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Snipe Hunt
The Biking Game
The Snipe hunt game can be played with two people, two teams or special * single seeker play, and incorporates both indoor/outdoor activity and good old fashion fun. The object of Snipe is Be the first team/person to find the other team/persons snipe and return it to its nest. After the players have hidden their snipe the other player will try to find it. After a period of time, if the Snipes have not been discovered, they will chirp and then their eyes will light up. Each game comes with two snipes, (named Biela and Smartin) and a Snipe nest. The packaging tells the story behind the legendary campfire animals.

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The Biking Game is a multi-generational game that allows every member of the family to play together. Themed around the legacy of biking with one of the more iconic biking companies on the planet, Schwinn, the Biking Game promotes an active lifestyle while educating and inspiring a future generation of bikers. The Biking Game was created to inspire families and bike enthusiasts to get outside and enjoy one of America’s greatest recreational activities together. The game is designed to grow with the player, starting at level one questions, which are primarily identification of basic bike parts and riding etiquette. As the players increase in their knowledge about biking culture they grow into the higher level questions. A fun & educational game where parents & children can race to see who can get their bike through multiple terrain and back home first.

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P.O. Box 90, 5185 N US 31
Eastport, MI 49627
Ph: 231.599.2763
Fax: 231.599.2965

This ToyShow archives was last updated on 3/7/2014
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