Sports New Packaging, New Awards
By Timothy Dickey

Atollo Designs and New Packaging |
Designed by a Scottish father and
son team, the highly compatible construction toy known as Atollo has
been earning accolades since its launch this year at Toy Fair. The
big news now was supposed to be new interactive packaging. But then
it went and won a Parent’s Choice Award this summer, including a
Parent’s Choice “Fun Stuff” recommendation.
Atollo’s earns a lot of marks for
versatility. The system is extremely flexible and dynamic, allowing
the builder to create moveable models of innumerable designs.
Universality comes in, too, considering that Atollo is LEGO® and K’NEX®
compatible. The new packaging design will allow for LEGO® and Atollo
construction on top of screw top lids. Units with the new packaging
will be available in September 2002.
Co-creator Euan MacDonald’s
father Donald is an architect from Edinburgh, Scotland. Euan’s
background is in digital effects for movies in California, so the
family effort has been global from the beginning. Atollo is
manufactured in Scotland, China and South Africa. Among its
international credits is a cover story in Toy and Family Games in
the UK, where it was called the “Best Construction Toy Ever” by
editor Neil Armstrong.