the Mind, One Block at a Time
By Zak Ostrowski

Lincoln Logg |
From ancient man layering stone upon stone to Anton Gaudi’s
amazing architecture, construction toys have been a definitive
preoccupation from early times to the present. Founded by John
Lloyd Wright, son of architectural great Frank Lloyd Wright, Lincoln
Logs paved a new path for the construction toy market. Original sets
were an instant success among baby boomers, challenging children’s
concentration and hand-eye coordination. Parents enjoyed the
sophisticated setup compared to traditional building blocks leading
Lincoln Logs to become one of the first promoted toys on television
(Pioneer’s Playhouse 1953).
Harry Potter LEGO |
A new desire for promoting educational toys with creative appeal led
to the formation of another legend in the toy construction industry:
LEGO. Ironically, this was the same year (1953) that LEGO changed
its name, Automatic Binding Bricks, to the popular name now
recognized worldwide. This tiny plastic construction block became a
hallmark icon in the toy industry the world over. The key ingredient
to LEGO’s success has been built off the foundation of Lincoln
Logs by stimulating children’s intellect with physical and mental
concentration through methods of construction.

Geomag Suspension
Bridge |
The greatest attribute for construction toys-LEGO in particular-is
the self-accomplishment that a child feels upon completion of a
fortress, helicopter, or space ship. LEGO has also built a bridge to
the entertainment business with its new Harry Potter line. New
pieces are being released at exponentially increasing rates,
allowing for more diversity and versatility. This has enabled LEGO’s
to remain strong after nearly 50 years in the toy industry. LEGO has
advanced much farther beyond being just another toy, but recently it
has been stripped of top-dog position in construction complexity and
aesthetical design.
Construction toys have evolved to an entire new level with the rise
of Geomag construction bars. This highly innovative construction toy
sparks imagination with complex models and 3-D designs. The obvious
skills mentioned earlier are easily learned with this toy, but
specific educational benefits are taught as well. Children become
aware of spatial depth, aesthetical design issues, and structure
Geomag is made of plastic bars with magnets at either end, and uses
nickel-plated steel spheres serving as connectors. Children must
figure out each bar’s polarity to insure the strongest structural
connections necessary to build complex buildings or shapes. This toy
can make complicated spheres that require solid analytical skills
and will increase geometrical knowledge applicable to creating bold
and innovative designs. Children will be preoccupied with these
construction toys for hours, and parents may find themselves
spending as much time with Geomag as their kids.
Geomag is a great toy and has been recently awarded a 2002 Parent’s
Choice Award. Much like LEGO, it has also dived into new areas of
interest and Geomag will be featured as a DNA model in the upcoming
film Solaris; starring George Clooney, Natasha McElhone, and
directed by Steven Soderbergh. Geomag was used as a DNA model in the
film. It’s great to see toys that challenge, educate, and
stimulate children get this great publicity. Maybe in 20 years
construction toys will become scaled models for actual architectural
projects from the mind of a child genius, but they will always stay
fun and inventive: promoting creativity, problem-solving, and
limitless imagination.
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