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Below are a select number of products from JOOVY
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“Kids love this attractive, high-quality toy replica of the popular Joovy Caboose Stand-On Tandem stroller,” Greg Gardner of Joovy told TDmonthly. The clever design features of the Joovy Toy Caboose allow children to secure and transport two or three cherished toy friends at once, for hours of role-playing fun. The Joovy "Just-Like-Mine" Caboose Tandem Stroller sets the highest standard for toys — designed with realistic features to maximize role-playing fun. With real swivel front wheels, it’s easy to maneuver and suitable for playing indoors and out. A deluxe padded handle gives extra comfort and an easy-to-use trigger system makes folding a breeze. Launch date: Holidays 2006. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 10319 (added 11/30/2006) .
Your child will love caring for a cherished doll or stuffed animal by securing it safely in this toy booster seat and will learn a wealth of safety habits while having fun. And it’s fun to play with indoors too – kitchen, family room, bedroom floor – anywhere your child’s imagination takes them. ( Read Review) ToyDirectory Product ID#: 9316 (added 9/11/2006) .
This fun children’s toy with a 5-point harness and latch promotes role-playing and car seat awareness because it’s just like the real thing. The crash-tested car seat can also be removed from its base for indoor and outdoor play. Joovy doll baby seats are made at a real baby car-seat factory. Kate Tanner, owner of Kid Stop Toy & Book Store in Scottsdale, Ariz., was looking forward to these realistic toy car seats; they’ll be ready for retail in May 2006. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 7320 (added 3/27/2006) . Page: 1