Need to Goof-Off!
A Look at Toys for Grownups.
By Tim Connolly

Battleship® by Hasbro ($13.99) |
If you're a guy under age sixty, you played Battleship® as a kid--or
at least remember the TV commercials shown every Saturday morning…
"You sank my Battleship!" Hasbro has taken the original low-tech concept
and updated it 2002-style as a Hand-Held Electronic Battleship Game.
A player is issued five ships just like the original game, but this
time you're controlling your fleet via a small but brightly-lit LCD
screen. You can choose from three different skill levels, and three
different types of engagements. The game plays "Taps" when you lose,
or a victorious tune if your fleet takes the day. But there's also
an "off" button for the sound so that no one need know it's not really
a Palm Pilot. Approximately 10.5" x 7.5" and 1/3lb.
Questions® by All Things Equal Inc. ($24.99) |
If you're looking for a party icebreaker, try Loaded Questions® by
All Things Equal Inc. With questions like, "If you could rid the earth
of three creatures, which three would you dispose of?" this game is
a painless way for a group to learn about each other--and have some
laughs doing it. The person asking the question has to guess which
person answered what, while the others have to guess what the questioner
answered. It's a sign that a game has something going for it when
many users stop keeping score or even using the game board, because
the questions are such fun.

Whisper 1400 RC glider by Thunder Tiger
($139.99) |
But if solitary fun is more your style, the Whisper 1400 Radio-Controlled
Glider® by Thunder Tiger might be the peaceful release you're looking
for. Unlike other radio-controlled planes, the Whisper 1400 has no
motor--which means no noise, fumes, or fuel to deal with. The glider
is launched by hand, or with a "mini-start" catapult system. Its balsa
wood construction allows for a slow and easy glide, requiring very
little flying space, and its two-channel r/c unit (elevator and rudder)
makes it easy for a beginner to take to the skies.
PC by Capcom® ($2,995.00) |
And for those of you looking to relive your hazy adolescence (if you
know what I mean by "hazy"), there's the Arcade PC by Capcom®. Playing
all 6,000 classic arcade ROMs, the Arcade PC comes pre-loaded with
fifty of Capcom's most popular coin-op games--allowing two players
to go at it on such classics as "Street Fighter," "Carrier Air Wing,"
"Ghosts and Goblins," and many more. The Arcade PC has a hidden roll-out
keyboard and mouse, and plugs into any standard wall outlet. But at
60" tall and 200lbs, make sure you've got plenty of space in the rec
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