Become the master of Da Vinci's Challenge with this portable card game of secret symbols valued at 1 to 125 points each. Each fast-paced round is played with cards featuring classic imagery such as the Seed
of Life, Flower of Life or Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Players take turns trying to match or beat the last card thrown. Remember to announce "Carta Finale!" (last card) when you have one card left in your hand. Empty your hand of all cards to win. As an extra bonus, these cards can also be played as an add-on to the Da Vinci's Challenge board game.
of Life, Flower of Life or Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Players take turns trying to match or beat the last card thrown. Remember to announce "Carta Finale!" (last card) when you have one card left in your hand. Empty your hand of all cards to win. As an extra bonus, these cards can also be played as an add-on to the Da Vinci's Challenge board game.