Distributed by Diamond Comics, written and illustrated by Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges, this tale revolves around 9-year-old Amanda whose mother means well, but doesn´t have a lot of time for her. After plenty of begging from Amanda, her mom agrees to let her have a pet. Amanda chooses a ferret (and names her Peach) because ferrets aren´t ordinary and, darn it, neither is she! But when Peach starts biting her, she has to hide her new pet´s penchant from her Mom. Peach Fuzz Vol. 2 comes out in 2006. Volume #1 features a scratch-and-sniff peach-scented cover.
Featured in: | Witches and Love Triangles Snag Tween Girls (9/1/2005) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4359 (added 8/31/2005)