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MSRP: $59.87
Age Range: 3 and up
Specialty: No
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 9007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 3 and up
Specialty: No
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 9007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Arts & Crafts Wooden Toys Drop Ship |
Draw N Store Wood Easel provides 4-in-1 features: Magnetic/Dry-Erase & Chalkboard and paper dispenser for painting. Spacious 2-levels fabric storage underneath for art accessories. Easy foldway design for compact storage. Includes: 1 Eraser, 77 Magnetic Letters & Numbers, 12 pcs Crayola Color Chalk, 10 x Paper Stencil, 1 x 30ft Paper Roll Starter. Launch date: September 2012.