MSRP: $54.00
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: No
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: No
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Interactive Electronics Robotics |
New FURBY looks great in any color, but Teal FURBY seems to be our most popular so far. Maybe it's the luxuriant teal sheen of its fur, or the way the teal sets off the bright yellow-gold of its eyes. With a mind of its own, the new Hasbro Teal FURBY will develop its personality based on how kids play with it. It will dance to their favorite songs. Put it in a room with a few of its friends and they'll interact with each other in all sorts of hilarious ways while speaking either English or the special FURBY language, FURBISH. Launch date: 2012.
Featured in: | ToysRUs, Walmart, &Target Top Holiday Toy Lists (12/1/2012) Walmart's Top 20 Holiday Toys (11/1/2012) Target's Top 20 Holiday Toys (11/1/2012) 20 Top-Selling Mass-Market Toys (11/1/2012) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 35090 (added 9/19/2012)
