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MSRP: $14.99
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 37184
Gender: Boys
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 37184
Gender: Boys
Category: | Balls Outdoor Fun Sporting Goods & Accessories |
Sky Ball Football puts hyper charged into Football. It makes a kid feel like a pro. They can throw the ball up to 80 yards and kick it 75 yards. When Sky Ball Football lands, it can bounce 15 feet in the air making Sky Ball Football a highly active ball. The action alone brings a new twist to the game. The combination of the Sky Ball material, the air and helium pressurization and its aerodynamic design, Makes Sky Ball Football perform like no other junior ball. Sky Ball Football can be used in all weather conditions, it is even great for use in the water. It won't get water logged or affected by ice cold weather. Sky Ball Football will make kids feel like a budding pro and bring new fun and action like they have never enjoyed before. Launch date: January 2012.