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MSRP: $19.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 180
Gender: Girls
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 180
Gender: Girls
Category: | Board Games Family Games General Games |
Pride & Prejudice Trivia is a fun trivia game based off the novel by Jane Austen. Game includes 300 trivia cards, including 8 bonus Jane Austen trivia questions, score pad, die. Test your knowledge of the book while having fun. Do you know how long Mr. Bingley looked at Netherfield before letting it? If you do, wish you did, or know someone who might, this is the perfect gift. Launch date: May 2010.