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MSRP: $11.99
Age Range: 5 and up
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 10501
Gender: Boys
Age Range: 5 and up
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 10501
Gender: Boys
Category: | Outdoor Fun Action Games Sporting Goods & Accessories |
The Mashoonga! Cadet is a foam saber for young children. It is made of premium materials that will provide months of fun and vigorous play. It is constructed to be safe and has a play pattern that promotes eye hand coordination, strategic skills and builds stamina. It teaches children good sportsmanship by following rules of play and how to safely play a contact sport. It is an all season toy that can also be used in and around water play. "The Mashoonga! Cadet is a premium product made to last. We replace it if it brakes under normal use," Jim Bogner, president of Revel King, told TDmonthly. Launch date: November 2010.
Featured in: | ASTRA Preview: Fun For Under $20 (6/1/2011) Watch Toy Videos of the Day (4/18/2011 - 4/22/2011 (4/1/2011) ASTRA Academy & Marketplace Preview- General Games (4/1/2011) |
Product Videos:
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 32072 (added 4/4/2011)
