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MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 1 to 8
Target Age Range: 3 to 5
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Made in: United States
SKU or Item #: ML CD 1
Launch Date: March 2011
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 1 to 8
Target Age Range: 3 to 5
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Made in: United States
SKU or Item #: ML CD 1
Launch Date: March 2011
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Audio & CD Musical Toys Language |
Moona Luna is the new musical project brought to you by the Latin-Alternative group Pistolera. Inspired by the birth of her first child—during the making of the last album—Pistolera's lead singer and songwriter Sandra Velasquez now brings us family-friendly songs in Spanish and English that continue the band's tradition of positive messages and toe-tapping beats. Moona Luna's debut album, Piñata Party, features eleven original songs as well as a cover of the Latin American folk song De Colores. Brooklyn based family music hero and Moona Luna fan, Dan Zanes, makes a guest vocal appearance on Brinca, Jump. "This is bilingual party music for the whole family," Beth Blenz-Clucas, PR, told TDmonthly. Launch Date: March 2011.