The Magical Tale of Santa Dust (by N & J Publishing/Magic Dusts)
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MSRP: $24.00
Age Range: 3 to 10
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Made in: Parts in the USA and parts in CHina
SKU or Item #: 978-0-9833662-0-1
Launch Date: October 2011
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 3 to 10
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Made in: Parts in the USA and parts in CHina
SKU or Item #: 978-0-9833662-0-1
Launch Date: October 2011
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Books Christmas Plush |
"The Magical Tale of Santa Dust - A Christmas Tradition" is the Christmas book of 2011. It is the magical tale of two small children who, on Christmas Eve, sit by their window eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa, only to be bypassed on his yearly journey. Save for the antics of a giggling, bungling Elf and some magical dust, their Christmas dreams come true. "There has never been a book written about the lure of magical Santa Dust. Each book will be packaged with one pouch of Santa Dust," Patricia Cardello, owner of Magic Dusts, told TDmonthly. Launch date: October 2011.
Awards: Santa Dust - 2008 National Stationery Show in New York City "Best New Product of the Year" Nominee; 2009 Seal of Excellence Award from Creative Child Magazine.
Awards: Santa Dust - 2008 National Stationery Show in New York City "Best New Product of the Year" Nominee; 2009 Seal of Excellence Award from Creative Child Magazine.
Featured in: | Specialty Retailers' 15 Anticipated Holiday Hits (10/1/2011) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 31456 (added 1/12/2011)
