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MSRP: $15.95
Age Range: 3 to 6
Target Age Range: 3 to 6
Specialty: No
Made in: United States
SKU or Item #: KIM9309CD
Launch Date: October 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 3 to 6
Target Age Range: 3 to 6
Specialty: No
Made in: United States
SKU or Item #: KIM9309CD
Launch Date: October 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Audio & CD Educational Preschool |
This DVD is designed to get kids moving to fun routines set to music with beat and "pop" sounds. Flexibility, strength and aerobics, moving from warm up to cool down, with a lot of easy pre-aerobic routines, aim to help promote good health and healthy play. "Important activity benefits include self regulatory behavior, valuable educational concepts, nutrition, the environment, sensory integration, improved motor skills, movement and more," Kimbo Educational Director of Sales and Marketing Elaine Murphy told TDmonthly.