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MSRP: $31.00
Age Range: 12 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000581
Launch Date: January 2004
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 12 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000581
Launch Date: January 2004
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Board Games Educational Family Games |
In this game, players are CEOs in control of their own power grids on the continent. Each is responsible for bringing and maintaining full electrical service to a Populated Center. There are bonus revenues and other perks for fully servicing one’s own area. However, each grid is interdependent with other grids, so CEOs must work together for the survival of the Continental Power System.