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MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 5 to 8
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000680
Launch Date: January 1999
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 5 to 8
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000680
Launch Date: January 1999
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Board Games Educational Family Games |
During this "Walk in the Woods," players can observe beautiful things such as wildflowers and butterflies, help each other gather goodies such as apples, berries, nuts and herbs, and keep an eye out for dangers like poison ivy, stinging nettle, biting bugs and even hot sun. The game includes a 12" x 12" board, dangers, remedies, goodies, look-ats, baskets, and rules for basic and hard games. "Play as friends, not as enemies! Our games foster the spirit of co-operation," Family Pastimes President Jim Deacove told TDmonthly.