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MSRP: $20
Age Range: 5 and up
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: USA
SKU or Item #: GP-0310-SP003
Launch Date: February 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 5 and up
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: USA
SKU or Item #: GP-0310-SP003
Launch Date: February 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Action Games Interactive Electronics |
GeoPalz is the first decorative activity tracker and online game that allows users to earn points through physical activity. With a simple message of “Walk to Win,” every mile walked counts as one pedpoint and once the points add up, the child can use the points to redeem fun, activity-focused prizes - including basketballs, jump ropes and frisbees. The site also displays a map of the distance the child has walked – showing the specific destinations he/she has reached with their steps.
Awards: Dr. Toy 100 Best Children's Products - 2010, 2011. Launch date: August 2010
Awards: Dr. Toy 100 Best Children's Products - 2010, 2011. Launch date: August 2010