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MSRP: $31.50
Age Range: 9 and up
Target Age Range: 13 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: UPCA 681964000277
Launch Date: January 1996
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 9 and up
Target Age Range: 13 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: UPCA 681964000277
Launch Date: January 1996
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Board Games Educational Family Games |
This is a game of collaboration, learning and discussion full of strategy, with each player making an important contribution. Set in 1895, players are a group of peaceful Christian villagers in Russia who drive wagons through the countryside, visiting homes to collect firewood and weapons for the building of ploughshares in the village center, all while avoiding confiscation and imprisonment by the Tsar's patrolling soldiers. The game includes a 17" x 17" board, special playing cards, movers, dice, collection chart, wagons, and rules for regular and advanced games.