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MSRP: $5
Age Range: 7 and up
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000826 -
Launch Date: January 2006
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 7 and up
Target Age Range: 6 to 8
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: Canada
SKU or Item #: 681964000826 -
Launch Date: January 2006
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Developmental Toys Educational School Supplies |
In this game, the seven pieces start as an ink blot to be carefully rearranged to make animals, faces, letters, numbers, birds, ships, and more. A booklet of 60 silhouetted shapes to try is included, as well as rules for a cooperative game. It can be played alone or in a group. President of Family Pastimes Jim Deacove told TDmonthly this product is "for the clever, the imaginative, the creative!"