The Sunny Stroll is a colorful flexible stroller/infant carrier arch with lots of "funshine toys" and activities. It's designed for two stages of a baby's development: batting (0 to 3m) and pulling/manipulating (3m+). It helps a baby develop sensory skills, fine-motor skills, gross-motor skills, and cognition. The Sunny Stroll provides for specific baby needs during each stage of their development. Special angle adjustments and easy attachment clips differentiate Sunny Stroll from its competitors.
— Michael Lanz, owner of Kiddy Corner in Ellington, Conn., told TDmonthly that Tiny Love stroller and crib toys were among his most popular in the baby section.
— Michael Lanz, owner of Kiddy Corner in Ellington, Conn., told TDmonthly that Tiny Love stroller and crib toys were among his most popular in the baby section.