ToyDirectory Mom: Hands-on Books
By Racheal Mercer
December 1, 2002
the Tugboat by Little Golden Books |
to me was a duty my parents took very seriously. As a child, I had
a great collection of books-mostly hardback Little Golden Books.
Scruffy the Tugboat and The Poky Little
Puppy were two of my favorites. My son Payton has a book
collection too, but his books look quite different from those I
had as a young child.
instance, Payton has a bath book made from cloth with a glove coming
out of its bottom edges, allowing him to imitate the main character-an
octopus. The book, titled Oliver in the Bath, is
one in a set of interactive books for children developed by award-winning
company LAMAZE. The books feature soft materials and padded pages,
with colorful designs to teach children about shapes and colors.
Look Baby comes with a detachable rattle, and Let’s
Go Out has a vibrating mechanism inside to stimulate baby’s
mind as well.
and Blue and Pooh Shapes, Too! by Mouse Works |
Tracks, published by Tonka and Scholastic, is about big
trucks that make big tracks, and features a spiral binding with
rubber tire tread as its front and back covers. The book teaches
children about dump trucks, front-end loaders, tow trucks and bulldozers.
Even Payton’s father has fun with it!
A book
that Payton has enjoyed since he was six or seven months old is
Red and Blue and Pooh Shapes, Too! Published by
Mouse Works (a Disney Company) the top of the book has a bar holding
a yellow square, blue triangle and red circle-plastic shapes that
spin on the bar as Payton moves them, while the story asks “Can
you spin the blue triangle?” The book succeeds in teaching
color and shapes alongside an entertaining story.
Busy Hammer
by Kiki Thorpe |
Busy Hammer is a big favorite in our house. The story follows
Bob the Builder, star of his own television series, as he uses his
hammer throughout the day. The book is shaped like a hammer, so
that after reading, Payton can go around banging his book-hammer
like it’s the real thing (thankfully, it is not).
What sets all of these books apart from the traditional children’s
fare most of us grew up with is their willingness to incorporate
different media to create an interactive experience. While my books
were good stories, or fairy tales with a moral to learn from, Payton’s
books encourage him to use his head and hands in the learning process.
Whether it’s experiencing a hard rubber tire tread or spinning
the yellow square, Payton is learning about language while developing
hand-eye coordination, color recognition, and other necessary skills;
something that can make even numerous readings of Bob’s Busy
Hammer a bang-up experience for both of us.
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