ToyDirectory MOM
By Hollie Bethany
Kid’s Ads: It’s the Laws That Make Them Funny
Too much regulation and too many laws are not going to keep
EDITION WOZZIT. So let’s be reasonable with regulations.
Remember when GI Joe was “the great American Hero,” kicking over
boulders and running over to his Jeep™ to go pick up Barbie® in her
camper by the pool?
Apparently kids these days “do not know” that Joe cannot really
kick over a boulder. So there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the
screen stating, “action figure can not kick over a boulder.”
Hello…the kids who really think Joe can kick that boulder
over by himself CAN’T READ. Who are we kidding with these
It’s getting so ridiculous. On the box that my son’s play table came
in, under the photo of two cute kids playing at the table, it reads:
“children not included.”
These are real live kids the disclaimer is referring to.
Now, I am not saying that Camel should be allowed to bring Joe Camel
back, but there has to be some reasoning in passing the regulations
manufacturers, retailers, and advertisers are required to follow. How
about some common sense?
One last thing…to the advertising executive who came up with the
“Got Chocolate Milk” ad with boy mixing milk and chocolate syrup
in his mouth: from me and all the other parents of children
under 4, “You are on Time Out! Go to your room!”
Now that’s a regulation I like.
~ Happy Playing! ~
the Facts:
Name: Hollie Bethany AKA The ToyDirectory MOM
Education: MBA International Economics and Marketing, Augusta State
Toy Industry Experience: Ty Europe, GyGy Inc., Aquatat.com, SunKids
Child: Hunter, age 2 ½, thinks he is a stunt man.
About my column: A sometimes humorous toy industry/business issues
perspective as tainted by the eyes of a mother.