CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE was a phenomenal success from its initial launch in 1979. The books broke new ground by immersing YOU the reader in the middle of the story, asking YOU to make choices about where the story would go and how it would end. These multiple choice, multiple ending books became a cultural phenomenon. To this day, the brand recognition of CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE is extraordinary. The young readers who grew up on CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE are now the parents of today's young readers. They are eager for their own children to experience the Choose Your Own Adventure enchantment.
We at Chooseco set out to re-release the series with the utmost integrity and positive intention. We looked at what worked, and what needed improvement. We invested heavily in top artists for interior illustrations and covers. We retained the popular initial size and design. We knew well that the stories were equally appealing to boys and girls; we made an effort to retain this balance. We also looked at the changes in technology and updated the stories to be more in tune with the many gadgets and electronic devices that today's kids are so familiar with.