Air Bounce: When learning to air bounce start in the center of the ball. Throw and spin the ball into the air and catch it on its return with two hands in the center section. Then begin throwing and catching it on one of its legs with two hands. Finally throw and spin the ball into the air and catch a leg with one hand. Catching with one hand on a leg is called air bouncing. Work your way up to running while air bouncing the ball. Once you are able to air bounce you can play Yackle Ball. You can throw underhand, overhand or horizontally. The aerodynamics is phenomenal!
Yackle Relay: Divide players into teams of 4 or more and then split each team into equal number of players. Place half the team on one side of play area and the other half of that team facing them. Repeat throughout each team next in line. The first player of each team will start the relay by air bouncing the ball across the play area until they reach their team player on the other side. Now that player will air bounce the ball across the play area until they reach their team player on the reverse side. The first team whose all players have relayed through team members.
Team Play (no contact version): Played with 2 teams of 5 or more players. The sport is a challenging and exciting match for everyone.The object of the game is to cross the goal line to score a point. The game is best played on a football or soccer field. There are three triads of 15 minutes each with a 2 minute rest between triads. A goal is scored once a player crosses the goal line defined as the end of the field either by receiving the ball past the line or crossing their line while air bouncing. The team with the highest number of points in the allotted time wins the game.
More games listed on packaging and on Website.