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Products from MISHIDESIGN

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Below are a select number of products from MISHIDESIGN

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Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
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MSRP: $100.00
Age Range: 1 to 3
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: GW0209 GW0208 GW0207
Launch Date: February 2009
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Wooden Toys
Wheeled Toys
Designer Toys

Swing Up is a unisex transformable wooden toy that follows kids from the moment they start to walk until the age of 3. The toy can be adapted in shape and function to the requirements of children in different stages of their growth. At the first stage Swing Up is used as a baby-walker, then it can be easily transformed into a ride-on.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 29219      (added 6/28/2010)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
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Ships From: (Log in to view)
Terms: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $90.00
Age Range: 1 to 6
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: LU0409 LU0408 LU0409
Launch Date: February 2009
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Wooden Toys
Wheeled Toys
Designer Toys

Lift Up is a unisex transformable wooden toy that follows kids from the moment they start to walk until the age of 6. The toy can be adapted in shape and function to the requirements of children in different stages of their growth. At the first stage Lift-Up is used as a baby-walker, then it can be easily transformed into a wheelbarrow.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 29218      (added 6/28/2010)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
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Ships From: (Log in to view)
Terms: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $110.00
Age Range: 2 to 6
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: SF0309 SF0308 SF0307
Launch Date: February 2009
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Wooden Toys
Wheeled Toys
Designer Toys

Surf Up is a unisex transformable wooden toy that follows kids from ages 18 months to 6 years. The toy can be adapted in shape and function to the requirements of children in different stages of their growth. At the first stage Surf Up is used as a ride-on, then it can be easily transformed into a scooter.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 29217      (added 6/28/2010)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
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Minimum Reorder: (Log in to view)
Ships From: (Log in to view)
Terms: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $120.00
Age Range: 1 to 6
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: GW0209 GW0208 GW0207
Launch Date: February 2008
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Wooden Toys
Wheeled Toys
Designer Toys

Grow Up is a unisex transformable wooden toy that follows kids from the moment they start walking until the age of 6. The toy can be adapted in shape and function to the requirements of children in different stages of their growth. At the first stage Grow Up is used as a baby-walker, then it can be easily transformed into a ride-on and then a trolley.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 29216      (added 6/28/2010)
Page: 1 

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