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Below are a select number of products from SoundScience
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This award-winning new audio CD series teaches the early developing brain the framework of mathematics, spatial relationships, symmetry and motion — all through a passive CD system that plays in the background. This groundbreaking product is a multi-CD series designed to match the ages amd stages of a baby's brain development. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 19194 (added 6/4/2008) .
SoundSleep for Babies™ is a scientifically composed audio soundtrack, using actual womb recordings, digitally enhanced using a patent-pending process to replicate the sound underwater (as the baby experienced it in his/her prenatal world). With it’s exceptional accuracy, SoundSleep allows babies to instantly recognize the sound of their former cozy and peaceful home, reminding them that they are SAFE. With this method, their fears are quickly calmed, and they can stop crying - often on the spot - and then fall asleep naturally. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 18696 (added 5/2/2008) . Page: 1